#3/#4 Renovations

A couple months ago the GCM staff completed the renovation behind #3 green’s complex and #4 tee box. #3 green’s complex was resodded with Zorro Zoysia, the same turf that was used on the renovation of #6/#15 green’s complexes in the past years. The new zoysia replaced the existing fescue and provide a more consistent playable lie around the green.

#3 Greens  Complex

#3 Greens Complex

Along with #3 green complex we also took this opportunity to alter #4 tee complex as well. The tee is now larger by almost 1,000 square feet and laser leveled. The added tee space will provide more area during the winter to rotate the tees and decrease the amount of wear and tear on the tee. Also, in the past, the turf has stayed very dry during the summer months causing inadequate turf coverage and after some investigation the entire tee was built out of pure sand and did not have the ability to hold water. During the renovation we removed 6″ of material off the top of the tee until reaching a clay sub floor to construct the new tee base. Now the tee top is laser leveled and also regrassed with Zorro Zoysia.

Prepping the Tee for Laser Leveling

Prepping the Tee for Laser Leveling

Laser Leveling Tee

Laser Leveling Tee


#4 Tee Completed

#4 Tee Completed





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